Integrated Defense and Security Solutions (IDSS) DETECT™ 1000 Advanced Checkpoint CT Scanner First to Achieve Transportation Security Administration (TSA) APSS Level 1 Certification
DETECT™ 1000 First to Achieve Transportation Security Administration (TSA) APSS Level 1 Certification
BOXBOROUGH, MA, October 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Integrated Defense and Security Solutions (IDSS) announced that its advanced computed tomography (CT) checkpoint scanner, the DETECT™ 1000, is the first scanner to achieve the Advanced Passenger Security Screening (APSS) Level 1 certification.
The APSS spec represents an increase in detection performance over previous TSA specifications. The spec defines multiple levels of performance represented by numerically increasing “levels”. Each level raises the bar for threat detection and drives the systems to higher level of performance. IDSS DETECT™ 1000 achieved the initial level “0” in January 2020. IDSS is the first company to take its performance to the next level, achieving Level 1 in the most recent testing.
"The APSS Level 1 performance is a significant indicator of the capabilities of the DETECT™ 1000 to address advanced threats world-wide. The performance is the result of the DETECT’s high resolution, low noise image which allows the Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to accurately detect the advanced threats. IDSS is pleased to bring this important capability to checkpoint screening. As we move forward in an environment to better manage COVID 19 and have less interaction with passengers and handling of baggage, the DETECT™ 1000 provides for increased security while offering all passengers a fast, accurate and convenient security screening experience,” said IDSS CEO, Jeffrey Hamel.
Integrated Defense and Security Solutions is a small business which develops and manufactures security technology systems based in Boxborough, Massachusetts. The company was founded in 2012 by a team of security experts with the goal of developing security solutions to address current and future threats. Our first product, the DETECT™ 1000 has received certification by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), and the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC EDSCB C2 & C3) for explosives detection in carry-on baggage. While designed initially for explosives detection, the DETECT™ 1000 superior image quality and x-ray information has been leveraged for the Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) of mail and parcels as well as cargo.
Contact: Sissy Pressnell, IDSS
Phone: 202-365-2476